Satisfactory review
Satisfactory review

Students may appeal only once for each academic degree in most circumstances (an exception may be granted in the event of unexpected illness or injury). Satisfactory Academic Progress AppealĪll students have the right to appeal the suspension of their financial aid if there were mitigating circumstances that caused failure to meet SAP standards.

satisfactory review

Students may contact the Office of Student Financial Aid if they meet the SAP standard prior to the annual review. Eligibility for financial aid will be returned when the student meets the SAP standard. Students may continue to acquire external scholarships and private loans that do not take SAP into account. During suspension, the student will not be eligible for financial aid.

satisfactory review

Students who do not meet the SAP requirement are automatically placed on financial aid suspension (unless the student is approved for a SAP appeal, see below). If you are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress due to an Incomplete grade, you may contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for a review of your status, once the Incomplete grade has been converted to a passing grade. Students who request summer aid and appear to be in danger of failing SAP prior to the annual review will be subject to a “hold” on summer aid disbursement until their SAP status can be confirmed. Students who do not meet the requirement receive an email notification to their Mason email. Students in the fully online graduate programs taught in 8-week modules will have their progress reviewed at the end of Fall semester. For the majority of students, this occurs at the conclusion of Spring semester. The Office of Student Financial Aid conducts a SAP review annually. Law students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.15. Graduate and doctoral students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.Ĭ. Starting with Fall 2022, undergraduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.ī. Qualitative Standard - All students must meet minimum GPA standards, depending on their level (Undergraduate, Graduate, Law)Ī.Please note, transfer credits brought into Mason count as attempted credits. For instance, if an undergraduate is expected to complete the degree requiring 120 credits, the student can attempt no more than 180 credits before they fail SAP for Time Frame. Time Frame – All students must complete their program of study by attempting no more than 150% of the hours normally required for completion.If a student attempted 15 credits and passed only 6, the student has failed the quantitative standard (6/15 = 40%). For instance, if a student has attempted 70 credits and completed 62, the student is passing the quantitative standard (62/70 = 88.6%). Attempted credits include both those earned at Mason and those transferred into Mason. This is calculated by dividing the number of completed credits by the number of attempted credits. Quantitative Standard – This standard requires all students to complete at least 67% of the credits attempted.

satisfactory review

Please see our Scholarships Page for more information on renewal of Mason Scholarships.Īcademic progress is measured in three ways: Students are encouraged to review their scholarship letter for specific requirements. Mason scholarships may require SAP and additional standards to be met for renewal. State aid also requires that the same criteria be maintained for continued eligibility. If you do not meet the standard of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), your federal financial aid will be suspended. Office of International Enrollment Partnershipsįederal regulations require George Mason University to monitor the academic performance of its students for the purpose of verifying and maintaining their eligibility for federal financial aid.Youth Leadership Conferences and Programs.FAQs: What to Expect During Your On-Campus Visit.Virtual Information Sessions and Meetings.Privacy Notice: Application for Admission.Transfer Credit From Accredited Universities.Virginia Guaranteed Admission Agreements.Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation.

Satisfactory review